

THE MUSHROOM is published twice a year and features a variety of content on all things fungal. we accept pitches for print content from writers, and researchers. the mushroom commissions essays, articles, features, case studies, interviews, profiles, and research summaries.

we strongly advise anyone pitching to read at least one issue of the magazine before doing so, in order to get a feel for our house tone and style. we do not accept pitches for advertorials or listicles; pitches centred around specific paid products; pitches promoting capitalism, consumerism or ‘entrepreneurship’; NFTs, blockchain, cryptocurrency, or similar scams; or promoting disordered eating/diet culture, snake-oil cures, and ersatz or appropriative spirituality.

to pitch, please send us a headline/title, short summary of the proposed piece, and clips/CV.

we also accept speculative portfolios from illustrators (we tend to commission one - two illustrations per issue, as well as covers) and photostory/essay pitches from photographers. please send these with a short introduction.

at this time we do not accept fiction, poetry or sound/video content but feel free to tell us all about your work at hello@themushroom.pub.

due to the volume of submissions and the restricted publishing schedule we cannot guarantee that we will respond to every submission.